Welcome to the Community Climate Coaches!
This CCAP project, led by Cultivate – the Sustainable Ireland Coop, in partnership with the Tipperary Public Participation Network and two local development companies, aims to enhance local capacity for climate resilience and community wellbeing.
The CCAP (Community Climate Action Programme): Climate Education, Capacity Building and Learning by Doing (Strand 2) is funded by the Government of Ireland through the Department of Environment Climate and Communications.
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Community Climate Action
On June 22nd an engaging national event showcased the achievements of the Community Climate Coaches Project (CCAP) and explored opportunities to replicate in other regions.
Shaped as an opportunity to learn, this event gathered participants active in Public Participation Networks, local community and environmental organisations, Local Development Companies, all interested in advancing community-led action on biodiversity and climate.
Led by Davie Philip (Cultivate), Ruth Smith (Tipperary Public Participation Network), Chris Chapman (ReSource), Sara Bourke (South Tipperary Development CLG), with key contributions by broadcaster and environmentalist Duncan Stewart, and Anna Swisher, a dedicated Active Hope facilitator, the day focused on stories and reflections from the Community Climate Coaches.
Participants were able to experience the participative methodologies and community engagement strategies used in the project to facilitate community wellbeing and climate resilience, as well as learn about our innovative community-mapping system designed to identify and highlight local initiatives and community-led projects in other region.
Engage. Inspire. Act.